
Live Life – Diabetes Lifestyle Management Program

An individualized approach to treatment and self-management

Our innovative and highly successful approach to individualized diabetes treatment and self-management begins with an initial 2-hour assessment, followed by 8 additional hourly sessions per week. This intensive, two-way assessment and orientation program, which includes development of individualized medical nutrition plans, leads into quarterly follow-up visits. Reports to personal physicians are made throughout.

Our intensive diabetes treatment management program begins with ten hours of consultation completed over a nine-week period. The first visit is a 2-hour individual assessment session. The remaining eight hours are completed at a rate of one hour per week for eight weeks. During these sessions a personalized diabetes management plan, including a medical nutrition plan, will be developed, and the patient will be given the training necessary for successful implementation of his or her plan.

Our program continues with quarterly maintenance visits for follow-up on the patient’s health, status of his or her diabetes, and revision of the personal treatment plan, if necessary, depending upon the individual’s performance.

Diabetes Clinical Services will provide a comprehensive report of the patient’s progress and treatment plan to the patient’s physician throughout the program.